Some stories are big. Some stories are small. Some stories are imagined. Some are true. Whatever your story, connecting with your audience through sound enables it to resonate at a deep, fundamental level. At Resound Sound Ltd. we are passionate about sound and storytelling.
With over twenty-five years of experience, Resound Sound Ltd. works with the best talent and the best facilities to produce award winning sound.
Sound Editorial
From pre-production to final mix, Resound Sound Ltd. will create the right sound to support your story. Getting the best from your dialogue, crafting sound effects and sound design, recording subtle yet powerful foley moments – our sound editorial has been recognised with a nomination for a BAFTA, and awards from the Royal Television Society and the Association of Motion Picture Sound.
ADR Supervision
Over two decades of experience working with the best actors, directors and studios ensures a well-prepared, smooth running ADR session – wherever you are in the world. Remote sound and video connections mean that recordings can be supervised in any location from Resound Sound’s Suffolk HQ. And of course, we’re always happy to attend in person!
Sound Mix
Relationships with the best Re-recording Mixers in the best studios ensure that Resound Sound Ltd. will find the right place to create the soundtrack to your story – whatever your budget, whatever your schedule.
Who we’ve worked with
Our Work
We’d love to hear your story….
Get in touch to arrange a time to chat.